Historic Landscape Services
Brentwood Landscapes, Inc. has developed specific historic landscape maintenance protocols in order to help clients develop and maintain their historic properties in accord with accepted preservation guidelines. Brentwood Landscapes, Inc. is available for both historic landscape preservation consultation and management services.
The long-term maintenance and preservation of a historic landscape presents many challenges. Landscape features, such as plants, will change dramatically over time, while features such as walls and paths may gradually erode or disappear. The maintenance of a historic landscape must address issues of decline, wear, decay and damage in order to perpetuate the historic character of the place.
The Brentwood Landscapes, Inc. historic landscape department is headed by company president, Steve Garrett, who has both a B.S. degree in Plant & Soil Science and a M.A. degree in History. Steve is also a member of the The Alliance for Historic Landscape Preservation, the Southern Garden History Society, and the Tennessee Nursery & Landscape Association.
If you are interested in our historic landscape services, please contact our office today!

Inspiring Places. Inspiring People.